A constant stream of conflicting information, various historico-political narratives, emotional truth clashing with fact based knowledge – this worldwide trend can eminently be observed in Ukraine and in Russia, especially since bilateral communication channels between these two countries were drastically reduced following the escalation of the political conflict.
Habit of Thinking is a Ukrainian-Russian program that aims to reopen this dialogue by spreading an approach of critical thinking. The program provides an opportunity for experts in the field of formal and non-formal education to engage in the context of Ukrainian-Russian relations, improve their skills on the subject of critical thinking, and gain support in the development of educational technologies. The program promotes the development of critical thinking as a basic condition for a healthy society and the possibility of constructive dialogue, and invites our associates to join the Ukrainian-Russian community of educators.
The program is jointly implemented in cooperation with Insha Osvita and INTERRA with the support of German Federal Foreign Office and the Robert Bosch Foundation.