About MitOst
MitOst connects active citizens in an open and diverse network in Europe and its neighbouring regions. It encourages activities and implement programmes which foster cultural exchange, active citizenship, social cohesion and sustainable urban and rural development – beyond cultural, sectoral or linguistic borders.
As one of the players in a growing European network, MitOst supports young people in participating actively in their societies and in acting according to democratic principles. MitOst offers various tailor-made qualifications, motivating and empowering the participants. It connects and support civil society actors who strengthen cohesion and agency in Europe and beyond, and encourage cross-sectoral cooperation in order to promote social innovation and sustainable urban and rural development.
About Robert Bosch Stiftung
The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Europe that is associated with a private company. Through their work, they have followed the legacy of Robert Bosch for over 50 years, continuing his commitment to social and societal causes in a contemporary form. The organization has 3 focus areas:
- they promote an open and cohesive society in which all people have the opportunity to shape their living environments – regardless of their social, ethnic, or cultural background.
- with their projects they demonstrate that our society can embrace and structure the plurality of cultures and religions.
- they contribute to the sustainable improvement of the quality of life both in urban and rural areas.
About German Federal Foreign Office
With headquarters in Berlin and a network of 229 missions abroad, the Federal Foreign Office maintains Germany’s relations with other countries as well as with international and supra-national organizations. This work concerns much more than just political contacts among governments and parliaments. Because Germany and German society are enmeshed in ever-growing international networks, the Federal Foreign Office promotes intensive interaction and exchange with the world in the fields of business, culture, science and technology, the environment and development issues.
About the American University in Cairo
Founded in 1919, AUC is a leading English-language, American-accredited institution of higher education and center of intellectual, social and cultural life of the Arab world. Its community of students, parents, faculty and staff, trustees, alumni and other generous sponsors represent more than 60 countries. The University stands as a crossroads for the world’s cultures and a vibrant forum for reasoned argument, spirited debate and understanding across the diversity of languages, facilities and human experiences.
About the Armenian Progressive Youth
APY aims to support, inspire and engage young people from Armenia and all over the world to develop their social leadership skills, to take their civic responsibility and to act as change-makers. Through different projects, initiatives and non-formal education tools we help young people to succeed, ensuring that they develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and competence to fit to the modern world. We envision a society where young people achieve their full potential and become engaged and responsible citizens. They participate in decision making processes and shape a democratic society. We envision Armenia where young people have enthusiasm, progressive values and willingness to make social and political changes in their communities.
About ARTa
ARTa is a professional community of trainers, facilitators of non-formal education from different regions of Russia. This is a living organism that invents and introduces new concepts, develops programs for each target audience, experiments, works for the overall result and provides the quality of seminars and programs that correspond to the values of the association. They develop and conduct educational programs, projects, trainings, seminars for people, organizations, communities wishing to develop: dialogue and openness, critical thinking, social justice, environmental friendliness, creativity, initiative, freedom in thoughts and actions.
About Association Jlij pour l’Environment Marin
AJEM is a non-governmental association created after the Tunisian revolution which focusses on the protection of environment specifically the ocean as well as on the topic of active citizenship education. In this field, the aim is to encourage young people on Djerba to become active by teaching them soft skills, project management, teamwork and critical thinking about topics that are relevant to society. The target groups are young people and woman in Djerba. To reach its aims, Ajem works in close cooperation with the local administration and civil society, the private sector and international funders.
About Balkans, let’s get up!
“Balkan youth for Balkan youth”, this is the Balkans, let’s get up! Organisation in a nut-shell. They empower young adults aged 18 to 27 to drive the social change in the Balkans, while growing a individuals, and making lasting friendships at the same time. In the past years, they supported exchange and growth of more than 200 changemakers to become active citizens and implement their own volunteer-led projects. They believe in an individual’s power to make a change. They strive for a peaceful and cooperative society where people have the courage to take responsibility and the freedom to develop and express themselves. In our societies that are burdened with challenges of both the present and the past, we focus on how we can contribute to a better future.
“Education” Public Support Association of Youth of Azerbaijan (EPSAYA) was established as a public union in 2005 in Lankaran. The voluntary and self-governing association provides a non-political space for local youth to carry out initiatives of common interest. The main goal and mission of EPSAYA is the informing and education of youth by youth about social, economic, legal, environmental, and other fields. The association assists in disseminating community-scientific knowledge among youth and the general public by holding trainings and seminars, debates and clubs, round-tables and meetings, circles and courses, conferences and exhibitions, charity marathons, and the other cultural and public events.
About EcoLab
The EcoLab Foundation for Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship aims to foster active citizenship, democratic governance, and sustainable development in Armenia by empowering youth who live in the regions of Armenia and have limited access to such opportunities. Against the backdrop of low civic participation and unsustainable environmental practices, EcoLab’s projects build the capacity of youth to work toward a shared vision of a democratic, peaceful, and sustainable Armenia. Through youth empowerment and capacity development, EcoLab supports young people to have the collective power of impacting decision-making processes in the country and building a better tomorrow for themselves and their communities.
About EcoVisio
EcoVisio is a youth-led grassroots NGO from Moldova that envisions the gradual realization of the full potential of Moldova and its neighbors to be a model region of empowered society, healthy environment, and vigorous, fair economy achieved through dedication to sustainable development. To make this vision a reality, EcoVisio runs educational and empowerment programs for individuals, creates and advocates for viable examples of ecological and social innovations, and boosts cooperation between changemakers through the development of its network. EcoVisio works across a broad field of topics:
- Education for Sustainable Development,
- Peace and Transformative Leadership,
- Social Entrepreneurship and Green Economy,
- Rural Development and Tourism,
- Trees and Organic Agriculture,
- Eco-Construction,
- Waste Management and Energy.
About EduHUB
Education HUB (EduHUB) is a brand new platform that inspires and connects people who, through responsible and sustainable initiatives, can bring changes to Azerbaijani society. EduHUB focuses on an innovative approach that uses education and entrepreneurship as a tool for direct social impact. It includes a variety of fields where people can comprehend their competencies. Education HUB was established in 2017, with the mission of providing all the necessary infrastructure and content for people to be creative, work productively, host eye-opening events, and meet other professionals and combines components that are missing in formal education.
About Gabès Action
Based in Tunisia, the Association Gabès Action promotes and supports advocacy and civil rights. Gabès Action aims to:
- Create partnerships through the exchange of experiences and delegations;
- Contribute to the completion of joint projects with public institutions and civil society;
- Organize awareness campaigns;
- Organize seminars and scientific forums and conferences;
- Establish development projects.
About Galicyjska Fundacja Rozwój i Edukacja
The Galician Foundation of Development and Education was founded in 2017 by local activists and youth workers in the Beskid Niski region in Poland. The foundation supports the sustainable development of rural areas, organizes educational activities, activates local communities, and promotes civil society, active citizenship, and participation. Most of the foundation’s activities are held in the region and are directed toward children and youth living in isolated villages in the region.
About ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) is Germany’s oldest intermediary organization for international cultural relations. It promotes peaceful and enriching coexistence between people and cultures worldwide. The institute’s programs pursue five core themes: Cultural Exchange, Dialogue of Civil Societies, Migration & Culture, Culture & Conflict, and Europe. ifa supports artistic and cultural exchange in exhibition, dialogue and conference programmes, and acts as a center of excellence for international cultural relations. It is part of a global network and relies on sustainable, long-term partnerships.
About International Institute of Debate (iiDebate)
International Institute of Debate (iiDebate) is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to develop the next generation of civic leaders, activists, and change agents by giving young people the opportunity to actively participate in the political process. By opening up spaces for democratic education and youth participation in schools and government, iiDebate strives to prioritize the needs of low-income youth and under-resourced schools and regions.
About Insha Osvita
The mission of Insha Osvita is simple – they return learning to life and life to learning. Insha Osvita members are united by their own need for high-quality non-formal education as a tool for strengthening: strengthening individuals, teams and communities, the whole society. Insha Osvita is convinced that a culture of diverse, individualized and continuous learning allows each and every one to determine their own lives. Through holistic and living learning, people trust themselves and others more and unite to strengthen their communities.
About Inshi
Inshi is an event agency and event management team that specializes in the organization of holistic integrated spaces for educational and networking events of different formats and sizes. Trainings, conferences, forums, residential schools, team-building or learning sessions – for each type of event, Inshi provides both simple and complex logistical solutions, finds trainers and experts, takes care of public relations and external communications, and supports completion of high-quality post- event documentation. Depending on the needs and goals of the event, Inshi provides support service packages ranging from basic logistical support to co-creating an effective educational space in partnership. Inshi also works in event crisis management, and is ready to step in and help when things go wrong.
INTERRA is registered as ‘ Krasnoyarsk Regional Non-Governmental Organization for Non-Formal Education and Intercultural Communication ’ . INTERRA is community of like-minded people who strive for an open civil society, active civic participation, and good-neighborly relations between nations and cultures. The NGO believes that enlightenment, culture, and education are key tools for the development of society, and that intercultural interaction changes us, broadening our horizons and possibilities. Diversity, tolerance, solidarity and equality, human rights, and civic engagement constitute INTERRA’s values. The organization stands for the lively international exchange of ideas, knowledge, and best practices in the spheres of culture, education, youth work, environment, sustainable development, urban development, civil initiatives, and social structure.
About Institute for Democracy and Human Rights
Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (IDHR) is an independent non-governmental organization based in Yerevan, Armenia. IDHR’s main goal is to contribute to the development of democratic statehood based on the principles of human rights and social justice. IDHR cultivates volunteer-based, non-profit, civically conscious, responsible, proactive, and committed activist action and culture. This is one of IDHR’s founding principles.
About Iris Group – Managing Diversity
Founded in Tbilisi in 2010, Iris Group – Managing Diversity acknowledges diversity as a major advantage in the South Caucasus for regional security, social welfare, and economic prosperity. The Iris Group helps actors in all sectors of society to use their potential of diversity to improve the way they reach their goals. Iris Group strives to support young people as they discover their potential, use the strength of diversity, and contribute to the development of their society by active participation. Iris Group actively works with ethnic minorities and strengthens them in being full-fledged members of the society. Iris Group organizes activities which provide a comfortable space for young people, including representatives of ethnic minorities and IDPs, to come closer to other society members, connect, and start cooperations.
About John D. Gerhart Center
The John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy, Civic Engagement, and Responsible Business promotes social change in the Arab region through building a culture of effective giving, corporate social responsibility, and civic responsibility. Building on social value, the center serves as a source of knowledge, a cultivator of partnerships, and a catalyst for innovation, community engagement, and a heightened sense of citizenship and social responsibility.
About MIZ (Youth Initiative Center) Ulyanovsk
The MIZ (Youth Initiative Center) Ulyanovsk works on:
- the involvement of young people in socially significant processes at the regional and local levels;
- the creation of fruitful conditions for the formation of an active citizenship;
- the promotion of legal culture toward young people and its incorporation into the information space.
The objectives of the organization are to:
- support and develop youth initiatives;
- assist in creating favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, each realizing their potential in various spheres of public life;
- assist in the education of young people on universal humanistic principles, as well as encourage the cultural, spiritual, and intellectual capacities of young people.
About North-Caucasus Federal University
The North-Caucasus Federal University was founded as the result of a merging of three universities located in the Stavropol Region. This institution is not only one of the largest educational institutions of the region, but is also a unique site for numerous scientific and innovative projects, a leading space for intercultural dialogue both within the region and beyond, and a prominent force contributing to sustainable regional development through educational, cultural, and scientific links both within the NCFD and with neighboring countries. By the year 2021, the NCFU will become the largest academic institution for higher education in the North-Caucasus Federal District. The NCFU is moving ahead, driving the scientific and academic potential of the North Caucasus, while also serving as the basis for economic development and intercultural dialogue both among the various local ethnic groups and foreign ones.
About Peace Dialogue
Peace Dialogue NGO is a non-religious, non-political organization founded in Armenia in 2009. The organization unites experienced human rights and peace activists from Eastern Partnership countries, Russia, and Europe to promote the protection of human rights and non-violent resolutions to conflicts. The organization is working at the local, regional, and international levels with the mission of fostering the protection of human rights and the formation of a multi-layered dialogue, a culture of peace, democracy, and democratic institutions in conflict-affected and post-conflict societies.
About Syunik Benevolent NGO
Syunik Development NGO, also called Syunik Benevolent, addresses the educational, cultural, and economic problems of a newly independent Armenia. Over its 20 years of operation, they have become the largest NGO in southern Armenia and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations. The organization envisions a developed, sustainable Armenian community . Specifically, it contributes to poverty reduction in the Vayots Dzor Region, ensuring a dignified life for community members, and supports the formation and collaboration of civil society organizations and communities.
About TraumWerkStadt e.V
The non-profit association TraumWerkStadt e.V. was founded in 2017 by the initiators, alumni, and friends of the civic scholarship program RuhrstadtTRÄUMER in Duisburg. RuhrstadtTRÄUMER’s vision is an active democratic society in which all people can participate on an equal footing. Civil society and active citizenship play a key role in this. To make this vision real, the association supports those involved in doing their jobs even better. It offers continuing education and qualification opportunities for people who want to get involved, as well as networking opportunities for organizations and institutions that promote active citizenship. RuhrstadtTRÄUMER relies on trust-based cooperations and solution-oriented exchange in order to jointly stand up for an active democratic society. Our focus is on the present and future of living together in urban spaces.
Former collaborations
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Education without borders (Belarus)
Center for Network Initiatives’ Support