THK Travel Policy

For any kinds of travel associated with THK and its activities, the following rules shall apply:

  • All the associated travel expenses are reimbursed by the Berlin office on the basis of the original receipts, tickets, boarding passes, and filled travel reimbursement forms. The Berlin office requests for choosing conscious, cost-effective, and ecologically sustainable modes of travel. Only economy class (second-class) tickets are reimbursed.
  • The maximum amount of money to be reimbursed for any means of travel is defined by the travel bands (see Table 1).
Distance, km Max. sum to be reimbursed, euro
10-100 20
100-499 180
500-1999 275
2000-2999 360
3000-3999 530
4000-7999 820

Table 1. Distance bands

  • In order to calculate the distance, travelers shall use the Erasmus+ calculator.
  • When the price of your tickets crosses the upper boundary, please contact Ivana at or the respective manager.
  • For the travel under 1000 km and 24 hours, it is not recommended to take a plane. The flight tickets booked for the denoted routes are not reimbursed.
  • Taxi can be hired only in case of night arrival/departure (when the public transportation is not in service), overweight luggage brought specially for the event, and any misfortune situations.
  • When choosing a ticket, every traveler must keep in mind the environmental impact of the travel. The Berlin office kindly asks everyone to select a climate-friendly mode of travel and compensate the CO2 emissions accordingly. For calculating flight CO2 emissions, the tool by shall apply.